Monday, November 24, 2014

Exciting times as we launch a new initiative with Convoy of Hope in Kenya.  The Women's Empowerment program will give vulnerable women the opportunity to start a small business.  10 women have been selected for our pilot program and they are off to a good start.  The training has gone well and they are in the process of setting up a business plan.  One lady is particularly excited about the business.  She is planning for the day when her elderly husband passes away.  She is 22 and he is in his 80's.  She knows that soon she will be a young widow with 7 children to take care of.  Her story is one of many in a land where women have little hope of becoming anything other than a child bearing domestic worker.  Our partnership with the Kenya Assemblies of God church is giving us a platform in the community and the volunteers from the church are essential to the program.  Its a great way for the church to reach out and be a tangible expression of Gods love.

Back at "home"

Its been a while since we updated our blog.  The last few months of our time in the USA were pretty hectic with packing up and finishing our work stateside.  Once we returned to Kenya, life didn't slow down much at all.  It started just a few days after we got back to Kenya with a great wedding on the beach.  Our son Reed married his sweetheart Priscilla Pennington on a beautiful beach in Watamu, Kenya.  This particular beach holds many family memories and it was a special time for all involved. 
The entire mission family came to the wedding in support of their MK's who are both AG MK's from East Africa.  We also had some special friends from our community who made the trip to be there in support of our kids.  It was a really special time for us to catch up with friends and family.
Both fathers, Bryan Burr and Steve Pennington, participated in the ceremony and Reed's grandfather, Billy Burr performed the ceremony and pronouncement of the wedding vows.  Many of the missionary "Aunts and Uncles" pitched in with decorating, photography and so much more.  Our extended Kenya Family made it very special and memorable for our family.  Thanks everyone!

Friday, March 28, 2014

This update went out in Feb. just posting here for those of you who didn't receive it.
Please let us know if you would like to be added to our mailing list.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Our apologies to everyone for the long delay in posting.  Our blog account was somehow compromised and then assigned to an old email address and it took some time to figure out what happened and how to fix it.  We are working hard to wrap up our year in the USA and prepare to return to Kenya.
Our plan is to leave June 30th or around there but we still have a lot of work to do.  We still need to raise funds, both cash and monthly pledges.  If you have been planning to join our monthly support team, we need your help now so we can get clearance to purchase tickets.  We have no doubt that God is helping us and surrounding us with a team that will not only support us financially but support us in prayer.  We have experienced Gods provision over and over in ways that only God could move.  We have been so blessed by the generosity and kindness shown to our family this year as we have traveled and shared our story with churches and individuals.  We still have some time left and some spots in our calendar that are not filled if you would like for us to come and share.  Send us an email or give us a call to set something up! Tel. 469-309-8072