Friday, January 25, 2008

This young boy is one of 10,000 people living at the refugee camp in Eldoret. Our church members number around 1000 in this camp, including several pastors with their families.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Our family spent Sunday afternoon with a Kenyan family that recently arrived in Limuru, Kenya. They are part of the 350,000 displaced people in Kenya. We were able to take them some blankets and spend some time hearing their story. After the elections on December 27th, their neighbors turned on them and chased them from their homes. They lost everything they owned including all their livestock. The whole family fled to Nairobi and have now settled in Limuru, near one of our churches.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Reginas new home

This is the corner of the police station parking lot where Regina shares a space under a plastic tarp with her family. They have no mattresses and only some cloth that they cover with. Mom tries to cook and keep things as clean as she can but its been raining for the last few days. The police station is the safest place for now.


13 year old Regina fled Mathare Valley a week ago when the houses in her neighborhood were burnt. She now is sleeping under a plastic sheet with 10 family members. She wants more than anything to go back to school. We are currently assisting with food and blankets.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Peace agreement

The big news here in Kenya is the peace agreement. Former UN secretary Kofi Annan was able to convince the two Kenyan politicians to come to an agreement. For the most part, Kenyans are happy and the general mood on the streets is calm. Its funny how sitting in traffic can be an indicator. During the weeks just after the elections, the streets in Nairobi were deserted and it was a weird "ghost town" like atmosphere. As I sat in traffic the last few days, I thought about how normal that felt. I still don't like it but at least it tells me that people are going back to work and school and so forth.
Keep us in your prayers. The real work begins now as we help people try to start their lives over again. Many are still displaced and we are helping with food and school supplies so their kids can get into school. There are nearly 500 Assembly of God pastors that are among the displaced and we have a plan to help them get re-settled. With Gods help, we will make an impact on this nation for the Kingdom. What the enemy meant for destruction, God will use for his purpose.

Kenya Election violence

The past couple of weeks have been tense here in Kenya as you have seen on the news.
Following the presidential elections on Dec. 27th, violence erupted. Voters on both sides claimed that the out come had been rigged and they took their frustrations to the streets. Its reported that over 600 have lost their lives and over 300,000 are displaced as a result. The countries infrastructure has been crippled as violent mobs have blocked road ways to protest the outcome.
Even worse than the demonstrations and protests has been the tribally motivated crimes that have taken place.
Our Kenyan friends have told us stories of people who had been friends and neighbors in their village suddenly turning on each other. Houses and farms were burnt down by people who had been their friends just the day before.
All across Kenya churches, schools and police stations have become refugee camps. Even here in Nairobi you can find hundreds of people who have fled the violence.
Our churches are reaching out during this time of crisis. Its an opportunity to share Christs love in a tangible way. To demonstrate Gods love to people who may not know him in a personal way.
Keep our churches in your prayers as they respond. We pray that everything we do would point people to Christ.
We know that many of you have been praying for our safety. We appreciate it and we ask that you would continue to keep us in your prayers. We are presented with a wonderful opportunity to share Christ and we need Gods wisdom as we do this. Pray that we would be His hands extended.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Welcome to our blog. We trust you will add us to your prayer list and visit our site frequently. Feel free to write and share your thoughts. We will try to keep our info current so you can get a feel for the life we live. Sometimes the site will focus on our work and sometimes it will focus on our family and maybe you'll see a little of both most of the time.
We feel like Africa is our home and we want to share that part of our lives with you.
Africa is a wonderful place for kids. Lots to do and lots to see and experience. We will be sharing some of that with you too, so visit and write often. Thanks for your intrest in our family.
Bryan and Kimberly, Reed, Riley and Raelyn Burr