Our apologies to everyone for the long delay in posting. Our blog account was somehow compromised and then assigned to an old email address and it took some time to figure out what happened and how to fix it. We are working hard to wrap up our year in the USA and prepare to return to Kenya.
Our plan is to leave June 30th or around there but we still have a lot of work to do. We still need to raise funds, both cash and monthly pledges. If you have been planning to join our monthly support team, we need your help now so we can get clearance to purchase tickets. We have no doubt that God is helping us and surrounding us with a team that will not only support us financially but support us in prayer. We have experienced Gods provision over and over in ways that only God could move. We have been so blessed by the generosity and kindness shown to our family this year as we have traveled and shared our story with churches and individuals. We still have some time left and some spots in our calendar that are not filled if you would like for us to come and share. Send us an email or give us a call to set something up! bryan.burr@agmd.org Tel. 469-309-8072