The past couple of weeks have been tense here in Kenya as you have seen on the news.
Following the presidential elections on Dec. 27th, violence erupted. Voters on both sides claimed that the out come had been rigged and they took their frustrations to the streets. Its reported that over 600 have lost their lives and over 300,000 are displaced as a result. The countries infrastructure has been crippled as violent mobs have blocked road ways to protest the outcome.
Even worse than the demonstrations and protests has been the tribally motivated crimes that have taken place.
Our Kenyan friends have told us stories of people who had been friends and neighbors in their village suddenly turning on each other. Houses and farms were burnt down by people who had been their friends just the day before.
All across Kenya churches, schools and police stations have become refugee camps. Even here in Nairobi you can find hundreds of people who have fled the violence.
Our churches are reaching out during this time of crisis. Its an opportunity to share Christs love in a tangible way. To demonstrate Gods love to people who may not know him in a personal way.
Keep our churches in your prayers as they respond. We pray that everything we do would point people to Christ.
We know that many of you have been praying for our safety. We appreciate it and we ask that you would continue to keep us in your prayers. We are presented with a wonderful opportunity to share Christ and we need Gods wisdom as we do this. Pray that we would be His hands extended.