Saturday, December 21, 2013

During the Thanksgiving holidays we made a quick trip to Ohio to visit family and we got to see some snow for the first time in 5 years.  

Raelyn loved playing in the snow, building snowmen and sledding down hills.  Probably wont see much of this in Texas, and we definitely wont see it in Kenya.  We will be traveling alot over the next few months before our return to Kenya and we look forward to visiting with as many of you as we can.
Its great to have the whole family together for Christmas.  The boys are home from college and Raelyn is enjoying having older brothers around again.  We are looking forward to the Christmas holidays together and will try to have as much fun as we can before the boys go back to their respective schools.
We hope you have a Merry Christmas and great start to the New Year.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Raelyn is proudly displaying her brothers Art work.  Our son Riley is studying Art Education at Evangel University and some of his high-school art work was selected for an ACSI calendar.  There are 28,000 schools affiliated with ACSI and Rosslyn Academy had two students whose art was chosen for the calendar.  Riley's piece was chosen for the opening page!

Some changes are coming to our family!  Our son Reed has found the girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with.  Reed and Priscilla Pennington have known eachother since they were in elementary school and they are both now studying at Southeastern University in Lakeland Fl.  They are planning for the rest of their lives together and will announce a date soon.  Keep them in your prayers.

Raelyn is excited to play basketball again.  She tried out and made the 7th grade A team.  Their first game is coming up soon and she has been working hard to prepare for it.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

New School Year

A new school year has begun and the kids, and Mom and Dad, are getting used to new surroundings.  Raelyn has taken to the sport of volleyball (Center of top photo) and she loves it.  Raelyn is in 7th grade at Maypearl MS.   Reed (in center above) is studying Film Production at South Eastern University and Riley (on right above) is pursuing a degree in Art Education at Evangel University.  Having our family spread out across the USA is a new thing for us.  It's hard to believe we are at this stage of life.
This school year will be full of travel and visits to churches all over the United States.  We will do our best to have as much family time as we can before Bryan, Kimberly and Raelyn go back to Kenya in June of 2014.  We look forward to seeing many of you during this year!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We are really happy to announce that the Kisharu Community has come together and built this brand new church!  Pastor Jackson Kodonyo on the right and Jeremiah Tanin, an elder from the community have worked together to lead the community in this building project as people sold cattle to pay for the building materials.  They are no longer meeting in the sun or under a tree and the attendance is already over 70 people every Sunday!  What an honor to be a part of this work along side our Masai brothers.  We are thankful for our support network that allows us to be a part of what God is doing in this part of East Africa.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Kisharu Assemblies of God

Yesterday was a great day for the Kisharu community.  They celebrated the opening of the first Kenya Assemblies of God church in their community.  The community sits on top of Mt. Suswa, a dormant volcano in the Rift Valley.  Kisharu is home to about 3000 people, all Masai.  For the past two years we have been working with the community doing development work mostly focused on water solutions.  The Mountain has many steam vents and we have been helping the community build steam harvesting systems that enable the people to get water from the steam vents.  Some of the systems are now producing 1000 liters per day.  Before this, water was gathered from seasonal water dams and water was fetched from the bottom of the mountain, a 2 hour walk from the village.  It was a great day with lots of celebration and worship.  More to come about the water systems in the next blog!